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Smart Programming Education via Reverse Learning-SPERL to Promote Students Engagement and Interest

Smart Programming Education via Reverse Learning-SPERL

to Promote Students Engagement and Interest



Dr. Mazen Alkhatib


Many online nontraditional students or even traditional ones find it difficult to learn programming due to difficulties related to learning the syntax of the programming language under consideration (Derus & Ali, n.d.).

This presentation introduces an innovation that helps students to learn easier and faster any programming language. The method is called: Smart Programming Education via Revers Learning-SPERL. The method was invented by the presenter and was tried by various users. Survey results confirmed considerable benefits received by its users.

The concept of the method will be first introduced, and then practical demonstrations related to writing simple programs will be presented.


Classical programming learning involves several steps. First the syntax of the programming language should be first provided, then there is a need to learn the syntax. A logic can them be developed to solve a problem, and the learned syntax will be used to write the program in a specific programming language.

While it is possible to go through the above steps to learn a programming language, the above steps can be challenging for online leaners.

Online learners including nontraditional students are interested in applied learning where they can benefit from practical experiences of their professors (Caffarella, 1983). They are interested in learning by applying concepts and will be better engaged that way compared to when studying the concepts theoretically before they start to practically applying them .

SPERL helps students to use their logic directly to write programs even before learning the syntax. They do learn the syntax while writing programs.

SPERL Realization

JAVA programming is the most dominant language for application developments on the web or for stand-alone applications. It is expected that JAVA will keep its dominant position due to the continuous development and innovations that are introduced to this powerful language on regular basis. Most of the available positions nowadays in the area of programming require JAVA knowledge (Gosling, Joy, Steele, Bracha & Buckley, 2014).

A tool was designed and developed to teach JAVA programming using the SPERL method. The following sections include demonstration of using this tool to write simple programs.

SPERL Benefits

  • Faster to learn: No waiting to learn syntax first.
  • Start practicing immediately using the SPERL application.
  • Practice programming, learn about instructions and syntax through watching videos, all at one place.
  • Develop motivation while generating practically the instructions of the programs under consideration!

(Please watch the following videos at the provided links below to learn more about SPERL)

SPERL Layout Video

SPERL Example Video


A Smart Programming Education via Reverse Learning (SPERL) technique is introduced to enhance the learning process of online learners. The benefits of this technique are pointed out, and a synthesized tool based on this method is demonstrated. The developed application was tried practically by a group of students. Results showed that 90% of users found SPERL easy to use and 100% found it beneficial and would recommend it to other students interested in learning programming.


Derus, S., & Ali A.(n.d.).


Caffarella, R. S. (1983) Fostering self-directed learning in post-secondary education: The use of learning contracts. Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research, 7(3), 7-10, 25, 26.

Gosling, J., Joy, B., Steele, G., Bracha, G., Buckley, A.(2014). The Java® Language Specification.

November 21, 2015

3 Responses on Smart Programming Education via Reverse Learning-SPERL to Promote Students Engagement and Interest"

  1. admin says:

    Your comments are welcome! 🙂

  2. Interesting article! I also like the concept of micro-courses!

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